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Tear Trough Fillers at OLSKIN

Have you been feeling like you always look tired? It’s a common complaint of both women and men after thirty. As we age, we start to lose bone, ligament and fat padding below the eye which can cause deep hollows, dark circles and sagging skin. If this sounds like your concerns, rest assured eye fillers are a fast, non-invasive solution.

Known as the tear trough, your eye hollows trace from the corner where your tears form downward towards your cheek, and by injecting a small amount of under-eye filler into the sunken circular area a qualified medical professional can smooth the area and improve dramatically refresh your appearance.

Most commonly in Australia, under eye fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, a medically approved substance that naturally occurs in the body. During an under-eye filler treatment, a very small dose is gently injected into the area where eye tears form. Following your treatment, you can expect results to last for 6 to 12 months before the injected substance is safely metabolised and eliminated by the body.

At Olskin, we are committed to helping people of all ages, genders, skin types and backgrounds achieve their appearance goals. Our team of qualified doctors provide a safe, professional environment and the highest level of cosmetic care so you can achieve the best results from your tear trough fillers.

About OLSKIN Skin Tear Trough Filler Melbourne:

Under-eye filler injections are gel-like substances that are gently injected beneath the skin to restore lost volume and smooth the tear trough area. At Olskin, we use a very small amount of hyaluronic acid to improve the appearance of the under eye area and reduce the sagging of your cheeks downwards. 

The under-eye filler prescription, area treated, and technique varies slightly between each patient depending on your desired results. Start by considering if you would like a discreet change or a more youthful, pillowy look and we can guide you on your options.

Some benefits of eye fillers include:

  • You will see instant results
  • Restores volume under your eyes
  • Reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles around the eyes
  • Softens tear troughs and corrects dark circles under the eyes
  • Long lasting results

Because your cheeks support your tear troughs, more mature aged clients often benefit from also treating the cheek area as this prevents a downward drag. During your consultation, your doctor will take all this into account to ensure a safe procedure and natural looking results.

At Your OLSKIN Eye Filler Melbourne Appointment:

When you arrive at your Olskin appointment, your doctor will study your face and take your full medical history to ensure the procedure is right for you. They will ask you questions about your goals and guide you on the best under-eye filler treatment to achieve your desired results. If you’re in your 20s or 30s, it’s likely you’ll only need a small amount, whereas more mature clients may need the cheek area treated. 

As the skin around the eye area is very thin and delicate, it’s common to experience slight swelling in the day or two following their treatment but most clients are able to resume their usual day to day activities.

How long do Eye Fillers last?

How long your tear-trough and under-eye fillers last depends on both the amount of filler used and how your body metabolizes the substance. At Olskin, most of our patients results last from 6 to 12 months.

Many clients choose to have ongoing treatments to maintain their desired look.  

What is the Tear Trough Filler cost in Melbourne?

When you begin your research into under-eye and tear-trough fillers you should be aware the cost may vary based on the expertise and qualifications of the person performing the treatment, the type of procedure, and treatment time. Due to the thin delicate nature of the eyes, be sure to appoint an experienced clinician for safe eye-filler results.

At Olskin, we offer both competitive pricing and peace of mind that your treatment will be administered by a qualified doctor with specific experience in treating the under-eye and tear-trough area.

Choosing a Professional:

In Australia, dermal fillers can be administered by qualified medical practitioners including registered nurses and doctors. When you’re choosing a clinic for your under-eye injections, ensure the person who will be prescribing and administering the injectables is a qualified medical professional. It is also important to check your appointment will take place in a clean, safe environment by a practitioner with specific experience in tear-trough and under-eye fillers.

At Olskin, our team of experienced doctors have the specific training, knowledge and skill to administer safe and natural eye filler injections. We use the very best, approved cosmetic injectables and work closely with our patients to ensure you achieve your desired results.

Tear troughs are caused as we age due to the loss of volume in the cheekbones and the eye sockets becoming larger in size. With a loss of support around the eyes, there is a sunken appearance to the face that makes the hollow under the eyes more prominent.

Tear troughs can be treated in more ways than one. The most common method is to inject tear trough fillers in the trough to give the area a lift. This reduces the hollow effect and makes the area under the eye appear a little fuller.

Another method is to simultaneously treat the loss of volume in the cheek. By administering fillers into the cheek, there is better support for the area under the eye, giving it a fuller appearance overall and helping achieve a gradual and even effect.

Depending on the type of filler being administered, the effect of tear trough fillers can last up to 9 months. Since the area under the eye is sensitive, the amount of filler used is limited.

The cost of tear trough fillers involves figuring out the units of fillers being used. In cases where only the tear trough is being treated, the cost will be lesser. Treating the cheek volume will require more units of fillers, increasing the cost in certain cases.

Like any other treatment involving dermal fillers, tear trough fillers treatment can cause bruising in the treated area. It is also essential to avoid over or undertreating the area. If the amount of fillers used is high, there could be puffiness or water retention under the eye.